Antamedia Internet Caffe 5.4

Antamedia Internet Caffe v5.4
Internet Cafe Software, Cyber Cafe Software and Gaming Center Software by Antamedia, provides
full billing and income control, locks unused computers, generates detailed reports and statistics and supports password protected employee accounts. Process payments quickly and efficiently and improve your business with various reports and statistics


Basic Pricing
Block Pricing
Bulk Pricing
Scheduled Pricing
Member Accounts
Unlimited Time Accounts
Option can be configured for each timecode or member account individually
Additional Pricing Options
Different combinations of existing pricing methods can be created including free x minutes on session start, access from-to hours etc
E-mail Reporting
Web Server
Point of Sale
Cash Drawer
Order System
Accept Credit Cards


Internet, Games, Office, Media ...

Employee Accounts
Multiple cafes support

There are plenty of languages included in our software. Any of these can be adjusted to your own needs through editor integrated in Caffe Server. Some of included languages are: English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Greek, Serbian, Macedonian, Albanian, Russian, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish, Arabic, Greek, Croatian, German, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Polish...

Client interface

Choose of of the existing client skins of configure interface to fit your requirements

Bandwidth Monitoring

Shows how much network traffic is generated by each customer. There are plenty of options for limiting and charging per data transferred

Full Control

All computers are controlled and configured from one computer running Internet Caffe Server application. You can setup pricing, security options, list of restricted programs, Client skin, banner page, Internet Explorer settings etc.

Auto Update Your Cyber Cafe Software
Automatically update all client computers to new version by single click
Activity Log
Reboot Protection
Printer Tracking

CD tracking notification and printer tracking with automatic adding on the customer bill

When session starts, customer will see welcome message or you can customize it with terms of usage, how-to instructions, prices

Customer can chat with operator or with other customers
Volume Control

Operator can adjusts volume of each computer separately
Change Computer
Customers can change computers and their time and bill will be transferred on new computer
Member Photo
Import member photo from web camera, scanner, or other twain device
Smart Cards

Windows Compatible Cyber Cafe Software

You can use software on any Windows operating system.
W98 / Me / NT / W2000 / W2003 Server / XP (Home and Pro) / Vista

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